Written by Driven Sports


Some of you may recall that we had a Buy 2 Get 1 Free special on Activate Xtreme™ throughout the month of May at Bodybuilding.com. We stated that for every order of this stack that donated to Hire Heroes USA we would match the donation.

First of all we would like to deeply thank everyone that donated with their order. While we were expecting (and hoping for) a higher figure, we are going to more than match the collective donation. In fact, we’re going to multiply it. By about ten…

It seems fitting to be able to announce this today given that it is not only national Flag Day, but also the 237th birthday of the US Army, but we will donate $500 to Hire Heroes USA as our way of saying “thank you”. We want the military to know that we appreciate everything that they sacrifice, so that we do not have to. You guys are something special.


We’d also like to thank Bodybuilding.com for providing a platform for us to be able to run this promotion and hopefully make more people aware of Hire Heroes USA and what they do.